Bonus | Twin-Win
Bonus Overview
Pay a premium to be long the underlying while protecting downside up to a barrier below the strike.
In the case of bonus order, the protection consists of being protected at the reference price level at expiry up to the knockout barrier.
In the case of twin win order, the protection consists of not only being protected, but effectively flipping one’s exposure to short ETH up to the reference price; therefore one wins on both the upside post the breakeven price reference and makes money equivalent to having shorted ETH down to the knockout price.
Placing Bonus | Twin-Win Orders
In the Stories tab, select Bonus | Twin-Win
Enter your order parameters
Type: Select "Bonus" or "Twin-Win"
Price Reference: Select WETH price reference. All outcomes will be defined around this initial price reference.
KO Barrier: Level at which the protection is extinguished.
Protection Cost Inclusive Price: Level at which the user starts enjoying the net ETH upside
Size: Multiplier
Verity Order Summary
Order limit: Order price
Collateral requirement: The amount required to be locked so as to ensure that the order enters the auction.
Platform fee: Fee to be paid in case of execution.
Total premium: The total to be paid net of fees.
"Submit to Auction" and approve your transaction in your wallet
Bonus | Twin-Win Contract
Last updated